Type None diabetic advice

Lifestyle tips for type 1 diabetics

I’ve been a type 1 diabetic since I was 17. When I was diagnosed I was given a boring looking book and lots of leaflets - I didn’t read any of them. I made this site to a) show you that diabetes management doesn’t have to be a chore, and b) save lots of trees from an unnecessary death.

Learn about diabetic food
Learn about alcohol and diabetes
Learn about diabetic exercise
Learn about diabetic sexual health
Learn about other bits in the top menu.

If you’re a new type 1 diabetic, or you’re just not that sure how to cope with your condition, don’t stress - I’ve been there. I’ve made all the mistakes possible so you don’t have to. Diabetes can seem scary at first, or just a bit of a drag. But when you get to understand it, you’ll learn that you can live just as good a life as anyone else. In fact yours can be just a little bit better - you get free eye tests.